StarFive Dubhe-70 is a 9+ stage, 3-issue, out-of-order CPU IP that supports the rich RISC-V instruction set, RV64GCBH_Zicond_Zicbom_Zicboz_Zicbop.
With a score of 7.2 SPECInt2006/GHz, Dubhe-70 targets applications that require highly energy-efficient computation, including mobile, desktop, AI, and automotive.
Dubhe-70 has been pre-integrated and verified, making it easy to use for SoC development work.
With options of single-core, dual-core, or quad-core in a single cluster with memory coherency, Dubhe-70 is highly scalable.
StarFive Dubhe-80 processor features a 9+ stage, 3-issue, out-of-order pipeline, fully compliant with a rich set of RISC-V extensions of RV64GCBH_Zicond_Zicbom_Zicboz_Zicbop. With a score of 8.5 SPECInt2006/GHz, Dubhe-80 is designed for mobile, desktop, AI, and automotive applications that require highly energy-efficient computation.
Dubhe-80 has been pre-integrated and verified, making it easy to use for SoC development work. With options of single-core, dual-core, or quad-core in a single cluster with memory coherency, Dubhe-80 is highly scalable.
StarFive Dubhe-83 CPU IP features a 10+ stage pipeline, 3-issue, and out-of-order pipeline, follows the RVA23 Profile, and supports all extensions of Vector Crypto. With a score of 8.5 SPECInt2006/GHz, Dubhe-83 targets applications that require highly energy-efficient computation, including mobile, desktop, AI, and automotive.
Dubhe-83 has been pre-integrated and verified, making it easy to use for SoC development work. With options of single-core, dual-core, or quad-core in a single cluster with memory coherency, Dubhe-83 is highly scalable.
StarFive Dubhe-90 processor features an 11+ stage and 5-issue pipeline, superscalar, and deep out-of-order execution, and supports standard RISC-V RV64GCBH extensions. With a score of 9.4 SPECInt2006/GHz, Dubhe-90 is designed for high-performance computing scenarios and devices, such as data centers, PCs, mobile devices, high-performance network communications, and machine learning.
Dubhe-90 has been pre-integrated and verified, making it easy to use for SoC development work. With options of single-core, dual-core, or quad-core in a single cluster with memory coherency, Dubhe-90 is highly scalable.
StarLink-500 is StarFive's first self-developed interconnect fabric IP with cache coherence support, supporting the construction of multi-cores and SoC to provide cache coherence NoC, connecting multiple CPU clusters, IO devices, and DDR, and maintaining cache coherence within the SoC.
StarLink-700 is StarFive's self-developed high-scalable, high-performance interconnect fabric IP supporting cache coherence, enabling the construction of a manycore SoC solution.
StarFive RISC-V Multi-Core Solution is a high-performance, high-bandwidth, low-latency SoC solution based on StarFive RISC-V CPU IP and Interconnect Fabric IP. This solution provides:
A high-performance, high-bandwidth, low-latency RISC-V manycore SoC solution based on StarFive RISC-V CPU IPs and Interconnect Fabric IP. This solution provides: